Sunday, December 30, 2012

Importance of Telephone Etiquette in Hotels

When it comes to Hotel industry regardless to whom the staff is speaking too it is very essential to make a positive impression.  All hotels follow certain standards while handling telephone calls.

Following points are always taken care while attending phone calls.

  • Phone should be answered within three rings.
  • Smile even though you are on the telephone.
  • Sit or stand up straight.
  • Use a low voice pitch.
  • Match your speaking rate to the caller's.
  • Avoid extremes in volume.
Read the complete article: Telephone etiquette in hotels

Why do hotels Turnaway reservation !

Hotels sometimes turnaway reservations from guests due to rooms not available on the requested period by the guest. There are other reasons also for turning away a reservation by the hotel to a guest.
  • Requested room type not available: The guest might be looking for a particular room type and the same was not available during this period.
  • High Price : The tariff of the hotel was higher than the what the guest was looking for.
  • High comparative price: Competitors was giving a lower rate for the same catogery.
  • Black listed company: The Booker was black listed by the hotel due to non - payment / other issues.
Read the complete article : Turnaway reservations

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

SOP - Grooming And Hygiene

Guest Expectation:  I expect a high level of personal grooming and hygiene from all employees. I pay high room rates and I expect there to be high standards of grooming and hygiene which complement the facilities of the hotel.

Read full Article : SOP - Grooming And Hygiene

SOP - How to handle cash advance

Will you be ready to pay someone in advance when you have not availed the facility or service and what will you expect if you pay advance money to someone? must ensure that guest has a good experience as far as billing is concern.
It is an important procedure at the front desk and it is our duty that any guest making any monitory transaction should get the receipt and the transaction is handled professional way.

Read Full Article:  SOP - How to handle cash advance